Janet B. Dean
Authentic. Empathic. Knowledgable. Faithful.
Let me share a little bit about myself with you. Currently I serve as Professor of Pastoral Counseling at Asbury Theological Seminary in Wilmore, Kentucky, as well as the counseling pastor at Lafayette Church of the Nazarene in Lexington, Kentucky. I am a licensed psychologist (healthcare provider) in Kentucky and an ordained elder in the Church of the Nazarene.
My training began at the University of Akron (Ohio) as an undergraduate, then continued at Asbury Theoloigcal Seminary where I earned a master's of arts in counseling and a master of divinity. The last leg of my educational journey happened at The Ohio State University where I earned both another master's degree and a doctorate in clinical psychology. I worked in numerous clinical settings over the years and served as professor of psychology at Asbury University (Kentucky) for 18 years.

My passion is to help people grow both into wholeness and holiness through the integration of faith and psychology. Some of this happens through academic channels, including presentations at professional conferences and articles in scientific journals, as we try to help the mental health community better understand the role of faith in people's lives. Much of this also happens as we support and equip the Church through speaking engagements, trainings, teaching, and writing. Finally, some of this happens in a more private way through psychological and pastoral counseling and mentoring.
This ministry journey has led me to work in a number of areas and with many incredible people. For nearly two decades, I have partnered with Dr. Mark Yarhouse and Dr. Steve Stratton through the Sexual and Gender Identity Institute at Wheaton College (IL) in exploring sexual and gender identity in Christian college students; we've expanded that work to help the Church minister to people in Holy Love.
More recently, working together with Rev. John Comstock (CLT Coordinator/Discipleship Place, Church of the Nazarene), we have been creating resources for churches to address mental health. Related to that, John and I, together with Rev. Roland Hearn (Field Strategy Coordinator, Australia-New Zealand field, Church of the Nazarene), have been helping people navigate identity issues through a shame and honor paradigm. My other work falls in the areas of trauma-informed ministry and clergy self-care.
Personally, my wonderfully supportive husband, Rev. Kevin Dean, a retired U.S. Navy chaplain, and I have two adult sons, Jonathan and Rowan. My family and my friends are evidence of God's continued grace in my life. (And, yes, I'm an Ohio State Buckeyes football fan!)
I marvel at the thread of God's grace in my life and how He has brought me to this point, and my hope is that you too are able to see the thread of His grace in your own life.